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We build websites

Websites that inspire, generate visibility, and convey authority and trust

Most decision taking processes start online. And a website is the place users end up first — search, advertising, social media, they all link back to it.

A website is the core of an organisation’s online presence and is crucial, more now than ever.

Insigna builds websites — from presentational or informational sites over e-commerce shops to web applications.

Great expectations

The online landscape is highly competitive and very demanding. A website succeeds when it builds:

These fundamental characteristics are integrated in the three key building blocks of a website:

Content, Design, Expansion

A website project consists of a series of activities. It always starts with text — the content that is crucial to convey an idea and captivate an audience — and ends with numbers — analysis of traffic and visitor data. In between there are design, layout, user interaction, code, optimization (SEO) and online advertising (SEA…).

A successful website consists of three key building blocks, each the focus of a specific phase in the lifecycle of our website projects:

Explore the details about each building block here: content, design, expansion: seo, expansion: advertising and expansion: analytics.

Your website is not about you

It is about your visitors. They have an interest, a question or a problem. And end up on your website to find advice, an answer or a solution. An effective website takes up the opportunity, captivates the audience and increases engagement.

And ultimately converts visitors into customers.

Content, Design, Expansion: 3 steps, 1 journey

Visit each section and discover our approach in detail

1. Content

The foundation of a quality website

2. Design

Your website, your front door

3. Expansion

Connect to an audience